International projects
China – Slovenia R&D cooperation project
2021 – 2023: Novel environmentally acceptable thin surface coating corrosion inhibitor formulations: their mechanism and application (NK-0001)
Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Matjaž Finšgar
International industrial projects
7 international industrial projects and of 1 cooperation with BASF SE, Ludwigshafen, Germany (Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Matjaž Finšgar):
2019: Corrosion inhibition analysis of 1.0037 steel.
2015: Analysis of water/methanesulfonic mixtures at elevated temperature.
2014: Corrosion inhibitor testing in different media, with an emphasis on acidic media at elevated temperature: 2nd continuation agreement.
2013 – 2014: Corrosion inhibitor testing in different media, with an emphasis on acidic media at elevated temperature: continuation agreement.
2012 – 2013: Corrosion inhibitor testing in different media, with an emphasis on acidic media at elevated temperature.