Investigation of the relation between the structure and dynamics of hydration water and that of hydrated biomolecules, surfaces materials and interfaces using advanced methodologies, working on a large range of time-scales and length-scales. Experimental work includes spectroscopy, zeta-potential determination and scaling characterization.
brane-based water treatment processes:
Biomimetic water treatment and resource recovery:
Investigations of the scientific, technical, environmental, and economic feasibility of aqueous resource recovery using designed degrading/ scavenging enzymes. Specifically our scientific objective is to develop, produce, and evaluate de novo designed enzymatic peptides for applications within pesticide degradation, tastant/odorant removal, biofouling prevention by selectively and continuously scavenging phosphate, and recycling of phosphorus.
Pilot-scale water treatment testing:
We focus on coagulation/flocculation process in water treatment for determining optimal coagulant/flocculant doses. We also evaluate new coagulants/flocculants such as polyelectrolytes and investigate electro-coagulation treatment in various wastewater streams. Our methods include using jar-tests as well as measuring adsorption–desorption isotherms on granulated activated carbon (GAC) and powdered activated carbons (PAC). In cooperation with other laboratories also efficiency of nanoparticles in water treatment are investigated.
Ongoing programmes:
- P2-0006: »Physico-Chemical Processes on the Surface Layers and Application of Nanoparticles«
- P2-0032: »Process systems engneering and sustainable development«
Ongoing research projects:
- EU, H2020, DESOLINATION: »Demonstration of concentrated solar power coupled with advanced desalination system in the gulf region« (2021-2025)
- EU, H2020, ITS-THIN: »Water separation revolutionized by ultrathin carbon nanomembranes« (2020-2023)
- DK, Novo Nordisk Fonden, NEPWAT: »New enzyme- and protein-based wastewater treatment for contaminant degradation and resource recovery« (2019–2022)
- SI, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, LAKTIKA: »Fractionation and processing of whey proteins and exploitation of the residue for the formation of new functional foods and food supplements« (2018–2021)
Ongoing mobility bilateral projects:
- Slovenia–Bosnia and Herzegovina: »Forward osmosis process for removal of traces of pharmaceutical organic pollutants« (2019–2020)
- Slovenia–Hungary: »Improvement of osmotic driven membrane processes for separation of sensitive components« (2019–2020)
- Technical University of Denmark, Department of Environmental Engineering, Denmark
- Aalborg University, Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Denmark
- Ghent University, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Belgium
- University of Malaga, Faculty of Science, Department of Applied Physics, Spain
- Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa
- Colorado School of Mines, Colorado, USA
- Singapore Membrane Technology Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology and Faculty of Textile Technology, Croatia
- Kemijski inštitut, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- The Energy and Resources Institute, India
- Aquaporin A/S, Denmark
- Anton Paar GmbH, Austria
- Hidria Rotomatika, d.o.o., Slovenia
- Komunalno podjetje Ptuj d. d., Slovenia
- Lek Veterina, d. o. o., Slovenia