Significant achievements of staff
- 2015, Claus Helix-Nielsen: Colding Award for teaching in course 12121 Water Supply (best course 2015 selected by the students at Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark).
- 2014, Claus Helix-Nielsen: European Inventor award 2014 in the category: small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for patent WO 2006/122566 from the European Patent Office.
- 2013, Claus Helix-Nielsen: Industrial Prize 2013 from the Danish Natural Science Academy.
- YE, W., LING, J., MADSEN, H.T., SØGAARD, E.G., HÉLIX-NIELSEN, C., LUIS, P., VAN DER BRUGGEN, B. Enhanced performance of a biomimetic membrane for Na2CO3 crystallization in the scenario of CO2 capture. J. Membr. Sci. 2016, 498, 75-85.
- GRUBER, M.F., WOOD, E., TRUELSEN, S., ØSTERGÅRD, T., HÉLIX-NIELSEN, C. Computational design of biomimetic phosphate scavengers. Env. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49, 9496-9478.
- HABEL, J., OGBONNA, A., LARSEN, N., CHERRÉ, S., KYNDE, S., MIDTGAARD, S.R., KINOSHITA, K., KRABBE, S., VESTERGAARD JENSEN, G., HANSEN, J.S., ALMDAL, K., HÉLIX-NIELSEN, C. Selecting analytical tools for characterization of polymersomes in aqueous solution. RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 79924-79946.
- HABEL, J., HANSEN, M., KYNDE, S., LARSEN, N., MIDTGAARD, S.R., VESTERGAARD JENSEN, G., BOMHOLT , J., OGBONNA, A., ALMDAL, K., SCHULZ, A., HÉLIX-NIELSEN, C. Aquaporin-based biomimetic polymeric membranes: Approaches and challenges. Membranes 2015, 5, 307-351.
- TANG, C., WANG, Z., PETRINIĆ, I., FANE, AG., HÉLIX-NIELSEN, C. Biomimetic aquaporin membranes coming of age. Desalination 2015, 368, 89-105.
- PETRINIĆ, I., KORENAK, J., POVODNIK, D., HÉLIX-NIELSEN, C. A feasibility study of ultrafiltration/reverse osmosis (UF/RO)-based wastewater treatment and reuse in the metal finishing industry. J. Cleaner Prod. 2015, 101, 292-300.
- GRUBER, M., GREISEN, P. JR., JUNKER, C. AND HÉLIX-NIELSEN, C. Phosphorus binding sites in proteins: Structural preorganization and coordination. J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 1207-1215.
- MURIĆ, A., PETRINIĆ, I., LYKKEGAARD CHRISTTENSEN, M. Comparison of ceramic and polymeric ultrafiltration membranes for treating wastewater from metalworking industry. Chem. Eng. J. 2014, 255, 403-410.
- HANSEN, J.S., THOMPSON, J.R., HÉLIX-NIELSEN, C., MALMSTADT, N. Lipid directed intrinsic membrane protein segregation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 17294-17297.
- ZHAO, Y., QIU, C., LI, X., VARARATTANAVECH, A., LI, X., SHEN, W., TORRES, J., HÉLIX-NIELSEN, C., RONG, W., HU, X., FANE, A.G., TANG, C. Y.Synthesis of robust and high-performance aquaporin based biomimetic membrane by interfacial polymerization – Membrane preparation and RO performance characterization. J. Membr. Sci. 2012, 423, 422-428.
- VINDER, A., SIMONIČ, M. Removal of AOX from waste water with mixed surfactants by MEUF. Desalination 2012, 289, 51-57.
- TEPUŠ, B., SIMONIČ, M., PETRINIĆ, I. Comparison between nitrate and pesticide removal from ground water using adsorbents and NF and RO membrane. J. Hazard. Mater. 2009, 170, 1210-1217.